17:17 Palermo-Ternana: i convocati, torna Lund    17:11 Palermo-Ternana: Corini in conferenza stampa    10:11 Cremonese-Palermo 2-2, le interviste a Corini e Ranocchia    10:08 Cremonese-Palermo 2-2    12:49 Cremonese-Palermo: altri 500 biglietti per i nostri tifosi    15:10 Segre, intervistato da Cronache Di Spogliatoio    11:17 Per Graves e Lund non è ancora arrivato l'ok    13:08 Cremonese-Palermo: già sold out il settore ospiti    
  Fans Picture
If you have a picture about an event of Palermo team, and would you like insert it on this page, send me the photo with a short description

Alessandro from Cuneo: Juventus vs Palermo of may 2006
Giancarlo Cangemi, brother of Adriana our administrator
Andrea from Trieste on day of his 7th birthday
Salvo T-Rex on the stadium

Franco 48 years old with his football team
Peppe from Düsseldorf with Agliardi, before the match with Schalke
Peppe from Düsseldorf with Foschi, before the match with Schalke
Peppe from Düsseldorf with Andujar, before the match with Schalke

Peppe from Düsseldorf with Codrea, before the match with Schalke
Giuseppe, fan of Palermo in front of the white house
Sampdoria vs Palermo: supporters from Belgium (3)
Sampdoria vs Palermo: supporters from Belgium (2)

Sampdoria vs Palermo: supporters from Belgium

Online dal 27/10/2003 contatto: rosanerohome@gmail.com
Palermo calcio, calcio palermo, notizie, news, stadio barbera, foto, rosa nero, palermo fc, city group,campagna trasferimenti,Palermo foto, Renzo Barbera,warriors rosanero,Mediagol,stadionews